A state-of-the-art IT Peripheral and laptops management and dispensing system
We specialise in designing custom smart vending machine solutions to businesses and brands across Australia. One of our newest inventions is the SAVAS Smart Cabinet and RFID IT peripheral and laptops for inventory management.
What is the SAVAS Smart Cabinet - RFID IT peripheral and laptops?
The state-of-the-art SAVAS Smart Cabinet – RFID IT peripheral and laptop is an automated inventory management and dispensing system which ensures that IT peripheral supplies can be made readily available to everyone. The RFID IT peripheral and laptops dispensing cabinet ensures that IT peripheral supplies, including new keyboards, power adapters, batteries, printer ink, headphones, scanner, laptops and projectors.
How Does SAVAS Smart Cabinet - RFID IT Peripheral & Laptops Work?
The RFID smart cabinet offers efficient and fully automated dispensing, tracking, and detailed monitoring of IT peripheral supplies in the workplace environment. Accessing the smart cabinet requires employees to use their PIN or RFID card. Once authorisation is granted, the requested item can be dispensed.
The SAVAS Smart Cabinet comes with innovative inventory management software, which helps to track and manage all user activities. The smart cabinet can be programmed to dispense limited IT peripheral supplies to employees daily or depending on the department.
Benefits of the SAVAS Smart Cabinet - RFID IT Peripheral & Laptops?
Round the clock availability: The smart cabinet can dispense IT peripheral supplies to employees 24/7. IT peripheral supplies such as keyboards, storage devices, printer ink, power adapters, scanner, and batteries can be made available at any time.
Detailed inventory management: the cabinet handles all inventory management tasks, including accounting, approvals, and necessary data filling. The smart cabinet tracks and records user information such as employee ID, item removed, quantity dispensed and is date stamped.
Company control: this ensures that your business has complete control over the IT peripheral supplies and that they can be allocated to various departments and or employees.
Restock notification: a report will notify management when items and supplies are running low. The personnel in charge can easily restock the cabinet and prevent wait time.
Faulty IT products: return a faulty product that needs to be repaired. The repair IT department will be notified through the system to pick up and repair the item.
Contact us today at PPE Vending Machine Australia to place an order for your SAVAS Smart Cabinet. We serve businesses throughout Australia, including Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Darwin, Canberra, Perth, and Adelaide.